
Finding myself with a weekend coming up with nothing going on, and needing a bit of a break, I came up with a plan for a four-day road trip to Scotland. Days 1 and 4 were really just getting up and back, but days 2 and 3 were taken up by exploring some of the best driving roads in the world. At this time of year, they’re quite empty, and importantly for me, there are no midges and mosquitoes around to spoil the fun. The first part of the trip was going up the west from Glasgow to Loch Etive, to get a shot of my Aston on the road featured in the James Bond “Skyfall” film. I then looped over to the east, overnighting at Grantown on Spey. The next day was a drive down the Old Military Road, ending up in Edinburgh, but doing a lot of meandering before getting there. On the last day before pointing the nose of the car south, I headed over to the “Kelpies” sculpture and took some shots there. The pics are in no particular order here and don’t necessarily match the journey sequence, BTW.